Producer & storyteller based in SE Michigan.

Knowledge is a human need. And a better world can be shaped through narrative, light, and sound. Video is more than entertainment; it’s stories, catalysts for transformative change – one viewer at a time. They are celebrations of the ties that bind us all.



Oh you want my stats? Here’s the download link.



8 Billion people. If you’re bad at math like me, that’s gotta be at least like, 16 billion stories. I’m chipping away one video at a time. Let’s begin with a sampling before the full course.

(01 - 05)


Project 01


Building a community, serving that community, and making wise decisions so your doors can stay open - that’s the core of a coffee shop’s success. In this educational and inspiring documentary, distributed in 5 parts based on steps in the business process, we sit down with real coffee professionals to demystify what goes on behind the barista counter.

How to Start a Coffee Shop - Part 1

Project 02


Netflix Breaks Hollywood: The Striker’s Story

It’s 2023, and everyone in media is striking. Many of those outside the industry can’t quite see what the big deal is. Aren’t you all living the dream? This microdoc breaks down exactly how the “startup-ification” of a young and hungry industry has rotted it from the inside. We look at how crew have been nickeled and dimed for a century, with healthy changes being brought through a noble history of collective bargaining. And, we see how you can expect the industry to change - for the better - because of this newest outcry.

Project 03


How can a company be “worth billions”, but seem to produce… very little value? They might not create a physical product, have been unable to turn a profit a single time, or be loudly criticized by the public? In this explainer video, we illustrate exactly how this phenomenon is created, and is currently proliferating.

Value VS. Valuation

Project 04


Chaos Audio - Interview with the Multi-Effect Wizards

5 undergrads “oopsied” their way into building, crowdfunding, and marketing their passion-turned-business. In this interview we learn their novel approaches to leadership, the myths about entrepreneurship they’ve busted, and their tools for success for other young people who yearn to build their own dreams.

Project 05


The Fixer

A personal story of one man’s legacy. In remembrance of Don.


All works on this site are the property of myself and clients and are featured here with express permission.

Disclaimer: website built in squarespace.
Thus, despite my thoughtful designing and meticulous variable margin building, your experiences may vary.
Do not adjust your screen. It’s not on you. I should have just used webflow.